How do I register?

Fill in our registration form

Receive a confirmation link from us

Fill the CV form

Pass our English test

Receive sample work topic and write an essay

The sample work is carefully checked

If it’s approved, you become our writer and can commence writing immediately.

Will this registration procedure take long?

Our entire registration process normally takes 1-4days.

What do writers do?

You are obliged to conduct research and write reports, essays, literature reviews, term papers, dissertations, and also speeches, on diverse disciplines. For each task, you should note specific requests that must be fulfilled.

All assignments differ in deadline and academic level.


Are there fines?


Yes, writers are always fined for lateness, plagiarism, wrong style usage, unreasonable forfeit of an order, and unacceptable grammar mistakes level.

What are the assignment’s requirements?

Each assignment must display high quality content, which meets our customer’s requirements.

Topic, number of pages, referencing style, and the used language level must comply  the issued instructions.

You should create original, clear, non-plagiarized paper, properly cite references, use a correct order format, and finally submit it on time.

How should I choose an order?

A list of existing orders is visible on the Available orders page once you log into your account. Peruse through the details, then download the attached client files, and evaluate whether you have the skills, capacity and time to accomplish the task. If for sure you do, automatically take the orders, checking the number of pages and deadline. If it does not match your auto-assign settings, you can place a bid. At this point, the support staff chooses the writer who is likely to do the order in a timely and flawless manner. The chosen writer is notified via email.


What is your average payment?

An order payment depends on academic level, number of pages and deadline. The cost per page usually varies from $3 to $8. There are also orders that are paid as high as 15$-20$ per page especially the urgent technical orders that require the use of complicated softwares in the engineering field.

How often do you pay writers?

We pay writers twice a month: between 1st-6th and 18th-22nd  of every month.

How do I receive payment?

We use these payment methods: Pay Pal, Mobile Money Transfer (i.e. MPESA) and Wire Transfer.

